the best talent,
faster with
Generative AI

Rank, evaluate and interview your applicants with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

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Rank and filter using IA

Rank the best applicants automatically with our Match Score. Filter with AI, don’t waste time!

Assess the best talent, faster

The future of Psychometrics (AI). Quickly identify who best fits the profile you are looking for.

AI Assisted Video Interview

Interview alongside your personalized AI assistant. Ask questions and generate a final report automatically.

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Reduction in Time to Fill


Increase in Quality of Hire


Cost reduction per Position


Hours saved -recruiter per week


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What can you do with Coequiper?

Rank applicants with
our Match Score

Automatic ranking and scoring of the profiles that best match the position. requirements and the company culture.
rankeados final
evaluacion psi

Identify the best talent, faster

In seconds, our algorithmic psychometrics applies the best personality, technical and language assessments to detect talent faster.

AI assisted video interview solution

Live chat with Coequiper about the applicant’s profile during the interview. Your personal AI assistant to optimize the interview and minimize bias.
Video Entrevista
People Analytics

Make better decisions with people analytics

Access relevant data in real time to optimize your selection process.

Generate Reports with AI

Don’t waste any more time on administrative tasks. All documentation and reports are automated. Edit them to your liking
Reportes varios

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